

I learned that excellence is key. Giving your all and accomplishing the goals you set for yourself will take you a long way in life.

~ Rashard, age 15

I learned integrity, which before I thought was a big word with little importance or meaning. Now it is one of my greatest values. Making goals is a big part of OB. I had to be honest with my expectations. The field instructors wanted us to meet our goals so I set huge goals and I met them. It helped because I was honest.”

~ Lior, age 14

I learned that I am stronger than I thought. This course taught me to dig deep, push past my comfort zone and challenge myself. I hope to use this dedication and motivation to achieve my future goals. Thank you for the opportunity to build grit, prove myself and cultivate positive qualities that will help me in my future.

~ Hanna, age 23

I have struggled physically and mentally on this trip and learned to never give up and always believe in myself. This is something I can take home with me and use to better myself.

~ Benny, age 18

Throughout my pathfinder course we began to construct character traits, which in many ways I feel have changed my perspective on life, as well as my own strengths and weaknesses. I’ve watched myself push my group countless times to motivate myself and lead others in moments when it was far from easy.

~ Tyler, age 22

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